The DPCI will host a tracking seminar & workshop with AKC Judge Steve Ripley on April 14th & 15th, approximately 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in southeast Indianapolis (exact location TBA). The registration fee for this workshop is $125 with dog, or $50 for auditing only. Price includes lunch both days and continental breakfast on Sunday.
Tag: tracking
April 2018 Tracking Seminar & Workshop

AKC Tracking Judge Steve Ripley
Tracking Seminar & Workshop with AKC Judge Steve Ripley
April 14th & 15th, approximately 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., southeast Indianapolis
AKC Judge Steve Ripley will lead participants through the world of VST [Variable Service Tracker], first by doing demonstrations with his own dog, then by helping less experienced dogs and handlers learn to negotiate the pitfalls of tracking. Attendees will learn how to plan and lay tracks, how to work as a team with a dog, how to read the dog, and how to solve problems, among oth
er things.

Cost: $125 with dog if registered in advance; $150 If registered day of seminar. Limit 15 handler/dog teams; no limit to those auditing without dogs. Auditing, $50 in advance, $75 day of seminar. Price includes lunch both days and continental breakfast on Sunday.
Upon completion of seminar, participants will have opportunity to run on-site under an AKC judge for their first VST certificate.
For more information contact Steve SeRine at
September meeting – Tracking demonstration with Steve Ripley
AKC Tracking Judge Steve Ripley brought his dog Chase to our September club meeting for a demonstration & teaching session about tracking. Eighteen people were present. Continue reading